Legal info
Bornfight d.o.o.
OIB: 64834048134
Address: Ulica Filipa Vukasovića 1, 10 000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 (1) 3333 710
The company is registered at the Commercial Court in Zagreb under registration number (MBS) 081271774.
Board members: Interaktivni studio, internetni marketing d.o.o., Slovenia, VAT: 46996282564.
Persons authorized to represent the company: Tomislav Grubišić and Daniel Ackermann.
Share capital of the company of 20.000,00 kn has been paid in full.
Bank account: 2360000-1102822327, IBAN: HR7823600001102822327 SWIFT: ZABAHR2X, Zagrebačka banka d.d., Zagreb, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10.